List of passwords

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Passwords: The StatisticsĪlthough many of us know the dangers of weak passwords, it doesn’t stop us from choosing them. Ready to take a look at the world’s worst passwords? Let’s dive in and find out why ‘Charlie’ might not be such a good boy after all. Not only that, but there are common trends cropping up time and time again that are influencing the passwords we’re selecting – from your favorite pets and sports teams, to celebrities and movie titles. With this in mind, we’ve looked at the world’s most popular passwords in the last decade and found that millions of people worldwide are choosing the same passwords year after year. Many passwords believed to be deeply personal to you are, in fact, quite common – making them easier to crack – and they could be putting you at an increased risk of being targeted by cybercriminals. Have you immortalized your beloved dog, Charlie, in all of your online passwords? While he may be tasked to protect your home (or at least his food bowl), your heartfelt dedication might actually be compromising your digital safety.

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